Welcome To The New-Unwanted Game
Just like the accident of two unknown vehicles, welcome to a new type of accident where the only difference is, it takes days and months to occur.
This is a new-unwanted game. Knowing the new in it might be normal, but what is unwanted aspect of it?
Corona War:An Unwanted Game.
Remember, how crazy we are when a new game is introduced!
But what if it happens without any alert-call, or at least sending a request as if it is a Google or Facebook? And what if we don’t want to play?
Welcome to this new-unwanted game. You don’t want to play, right? Still, you’re welcome.
This is a weird one, unlike the history.
You’ve to play this game to get rid of it or to play the next what you want, after getting back on track.
Setting Scene
Imagine, you’ve opened your laptop, and, the game started all between your work, messing out — everything.
The message is popping up at the center says: You are about to play this game.
If you decline this, then people who are connected with you won’t be able to access their laptops, so either way, you’ve to play this — click the accept button now.
You’ve clicked the accept button, and the game began.
About The Game
The game began by showing a map and some instructions. There is a limit, you can look on the map clearly. And some instructions.
Instructions are less yet very much weird:
- You are allowed to use these selected files only — Home, Market, Hospital.
- You and your friends cannot enter into the same files at the same time.
- Your activity in the market would be tracked, you must get back to Home file as soon as possible.
The majority of your time must be spent inside your Home-files.
In which you can do various things.
You can look at your past photos & videos. Past games. Past work activities. Or can create something new. But everything inside the Home section only.
And there’s a file left, that is — Server. A Villain is lying inside, it’ll harm your laptop if you take step in.
It is not too dangerous. But the issue is, it has a large army. And they are completely invisible.
This can harm the laptops very easily, even though everyone possesses a security system. Or the best security system.
The question might arises that — how to win this game?
We(The Players)
All we can do is, avoid the Server-file. But still, sometimes the villain can come along your way, then who’s there to save us?
What if our laptops will get harm?
And the greatest part of this unwanted game, this unwanted war is — the help of our superheroes.
Unlike any single superhero, fan-fiction comic, there is no one superhero here. There are superheroes in fact.
It’s so similar to imagine it as the Avengers Of Marvel Comic.
They are uniquely designed security systems even more characterized than Avast type securities.
Their functions include: Mask-ware, gloves-ware, sanitized-settings, and many more.
Not only the file of Hospitals are superheroes, from the Market files are superheroes as well. They are providing the batteries to keep your laptop charged.
This is the only game in history where superheroes are as same as the players that is — by using laptops.
And thus, salute to the admin of the entire security system and to all superheroes who are helping out to save laptops and also providing batteries to stay in the game.
No-one knows when this unwanted game would end, but the sure thing is our superheroes are doing their job to their best. And we all are glad about that.
What Challenges People Are Facing In This Game?
This game is the same as the current pandemic situation.
Many people lost their lives.Many people lost their people.Many are suffering. Many are struggling.
Some are dying for the food, some are striving for the roof. This atmosphere surely loses our motive to live, surely it is a sad thing.
But we have to play this game. We have to survive this.To win any game, we’ve to follow the right steps in the right direction.
So, are you brave enough to stand tough in this?
Because like everything — it shall pass too.