School Is Closed Today (Short-Story)

Nirmit Shah
2 min readJun 18, 2021


It was June 2012, a random Monday, 6 AM.

Ritik, monitor of a Class-6 Section B, was skimming some math formulas for the class test. Few minutes later, tying his shoelaces, he was looking at the sky. Dark clouds were gathered around. It was drizzling already.

Ritik often worries about leaving one day off. A guy who rarely misses the school, probably one or two days in a month; only and only if he’s not well or is he at his Nani’s home.

While pulling out his bicycle, the drizzling turned into a downpour of rain. Rainfall became heavier. Puddles began plinking and further, it turned into a rainstorm.

The rain drenched Ritik instantly. Dropping off his nose and plastering his hair to his head, soaking through his entire school uniform. And the rainstorm became intense with the sound of a rotor blade of the helicopter.

Ritik quickly pushed his bicycle back to the place and went inside his home to change the clothes. But the rainstorm… seemed like it just began and won’t stop any sooner.

The school of Ritik didn’t have any broadcasting channel to at least share the message as SMS on the mobile. Thinking so, he tried to call his principal.

*While a call*

Principal: “Ritik, School is closed today because of heavy rainfall. And so we postponed the class test. My car right now is stuck under the bridge and it’ll surely take me time to come out. Would you please pass this message to the entire class?”

*Call ended*

Ritik dialed the number of his best friends Parthiv, Laxshay, Manav and he informed them about the same. But he wondered how he would pass the message to all 34 students?

His friend Manav shared an idea.

He told Ritik that Parthiv, Laxshay and he himself will call one or two classmates whom they know about their mobile number. And they’ll inform them to pass the message to the mates whose contact numbers they’ve. All in all, they’ll call a few mates and those mates will call the other few and eventually the entire class will be informed.

The role of Samrat was much appreciated by their friends. Because lately Parthiv remembered Samrat has more than half of the contact number of the classmates in his diary.

Everything was set. They began calling their friends. And finally, within half an hour everyone of the Class 6 Section B was informed that the school is closed today.

After a while, Ritik’s phone began ringing. It was an unknown number.

“Hello, Ritik here, whom am I talking to?”

Ritik picked up the call.

“Hey, hey…monitor, Samrat this side.”

“Oh hi Samrat, I didn’t have your number so wasn’t saved.”

“Argh, forget that. I’ve important thing to inform you. Because of heavy rain, school is closed today and the class test is postponed. Our principal said so.”



Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah

Written by Nirmit Shah

Stupid stories you’ll (n)ever get. Find me on socials:

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