Reminiscing the tweet I wrote from the quote I wish to live by!
“I wish every student could experience both failure and A grades in their exams. So that they can know and realize there is way too fascinating life beyond these.”
I tweeted this on 7 Jan 2020 9:36 AM, literally out of frustration.
Especially because I never failed in my school exams — was infact an above average student — sometimes used to top a few subjects.
But while I entered my college, I ended up failing in exams.
(Back to back. A back after a back; yes it was a pun)
After giving all the re-tests, and passing all subjects at once, I happened to write that tweet.
I’d write again:
“I wish every student could experience both failure and A grades in their exams. So that they can know and realize there is way too fascinating life beyond these.”
The tweet was totally inspired from a quote by Jim Carrey, goes as:
“I wish everyone could get rich and famous and everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that’s not the answer.”
I felt exactly the same in context to exams and career.
As I got my engineering degree a few days back, I feel I’m a little credible to share this thought — however it may look.