Putting your mind on paper!
Journal — because you always have something to document.
Journal — because that’s something which shows what you’re ACTUALLY thinking.
Journal — because you don’t need anything to think and brainstorm.
Noone here is looking at you. Noone here is judging. Noone here is needing any changes in your writing (and so life). Noone here is your manager, your client, your boss. Noone here is that anonymous monster of Google Docs.
Journal — because it shows you how your mind is wandering.
From a thought of career to a thought of not thinking about career. To a thought of traveling. To a thought of calling everyone to check in their life ‘how’s it all going’. To a thought of leaving it thinking they might be busy. To a thought of changing yourself, to come out of your own comfort zone, to a thought of reflecting on who you are, why you are doing what you’re doing, what interests you, what you don’t.
When in doubt, journal.
Sunday is to a week what journaling is to our mind.
Call it to journal. Call it to scribble. Call it free writing.
It is as though your mind is on the paper.