Preaching Without Living Is Like Taking Selfies At Beach

Nirmit Shah
5 min readJun 8, 2020


Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

So if you’re a photographer and if I pulled you here, then it’s not about photography at the beachside.

And I can understand that nature photography is crazy. No offense.

But taking only selfies at the beach, I meant to say — not enjoying the beach and ending up precious 2–3 hours with just a selfie-and not a life-longing memory with an astonishing experience.

Okay, then why it’s so relatable to “Preaching Without Living”.

And how can I resemble it this way?

Who am I to do that?


  • I am a 19-year-old entrep…
  • A gold-medalist at …
  • I was featured in a magazine…and many more achievements such as…
Photo by Paolo Nicolello on Unsplash

Confused right? Hahaha! Even I am. To be honest, the list you just read is not a dicky bird. It’s nothing at all.

Jokes apart, I’ve not achieved anything which you’ve guessed a moment ago.I’m no-one to advise on a single particular stream.

Then I don’t understand why I answered those questions? I don’t understand how I replied to them?

Now you might say — What are you telling Nirmit? What’s the matter?

Can we do one thing?

Let me tell you this story. Let me put it into a picture.

But before that, I want you to have a look over the below images.

This is the matter buddy! Last year, I was answering questions at Quora.

And questions looked like:

  • How much money is really necessary for happiness?
  • Where does one draw the line in “following your passion”?
  • What are the ways to separate money and the idea of happiness?
  • If I have a passion for something, but the school gets in the way of that how can I work towards it?

I’m sad to say, the list went so long that it reached 100’s in numbers.

Why am I sad to say ‘I’m sad to say’?

I dove into the sea of writing last year. Because I was feeling desperate about the whole analysis that I read in a newspaper on a Yearly-Data of students who’ve committed SUICIDES.

And I started pouring emotions into white empty screen and wanted to add opinions on life to those who attempt suicides.

I created an account of Blogger, and day after the day started adding every stone of write-up in the blog.

If you’re a writer reading me, then I assure you’ve run out of ideas like every other writer. In which we writers call it as a WRITER’S BLOCK.

As a writer, I started searching for the ideas of my next write-up. Each day was a decade to me if I ended up with no idea to write.

During such a struggle, I figured out a platform Quora. Quora is absolutely a great platform that everyone can easily get inspired to create the next draft.

And in the same game, I fell into a trap. I started writing the answers on the topic which I’ve never lived.

Literally, I’ve answered the question such as:

Where does one draw the line in “following your passion”?

Whereas, you can see the list or images right above.

With the influence of motivational content, philosophy, inspiring books, and everything, I seriously mugged up the ways, tips & tricks, and unknowingly began sharing it in the form of writing answers at Quora.

Seriously I created an article on “Ways to be successful.” and many more.

I can understand, the content may have helped some people. But I’m sad to preach that I didn’t live.

I preached how to be successful, and in the corner of my room, I was unsuccessful.

I preached to meditate 10 minutes daily, and in the end, I was striving with 30 seconds like damn.

I preached it taking selfies on the beach without even experiencing and living.

Now, you might have a clear idea of what “Preaching without living” was to me.

Life teaches some lessons, some experiences by the time only. Not and never overnight.

I was blind to understand my friends and family who were yelling at me saying I am talking too hypothetically. I was behaving like I’m an entrepreneur and giving the speech.

Imagine there’s a radio with only one channel

Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash

and the impact over ‘preaching without living’ to me was being on that channel of giving advice.

Again, the advice is okay if something or someone is going wrong in an inappropriate way. But it’s so toxic to be on the same channel of the radio, isn't it?

And after a year, I’m feeling the forth reaction of ‘back and forth’ of that silly action.

Now, I can firmly say that — I write what I preach and I preach what I live.

I’ve been thriving to write acutely in every article for 6 months making sure I don’t give advice and write what I’ve experienced.

Fortunately, in the bucket list of sharing my insecurities, I’m happy to parcel out this big-bag of mistakes of mine which I was waiting to write.

Okay ending this with advice and you know this time I’ve preached it.

Before taking selfies, live the scene, live every breath of the beach.

Before preaching anything, live the living, live the experience.

Preach What You Live!

And I’ll always avoid preaching what I don’t live because I’ve made that mistake for about a year. And we know that some mistakes are never repeated. Not even once.

Look and compare the articles, and see how cosy I was.

(First Blog Site)

(Shifted myself here)

And now after 6 stories, I’m planning to go active on Medium, let’s see. Are you ready?

PS- Should I delete those posts which I’ve preached wrongly at Quora?

Or should I keep as it is?



Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah

Written by Nirmit Shah

Stupid stories you’ll (n)ever get. Find me on socials:

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