One thing anime tells you about…
One thing anime tells you about?
Watching anime since my class-11 has been the best that has happened to my life.
Pick any anime. Any genre. Up till now I’ve noticed it reflects upon the significance of folks you’re around.
People. Bond. Friendships. Relationships. Community. Conversations. Laughter.
All coming down to telling:
You’ve your people to look up to. When you think of them, your face transforms to a smiley face. Things might not go right, but gives an instant hope with a phrase in your mind “I’ve my people around.” However, a small circle is. However, picky. However the place they’ve come from. You’ve people to look up to. Your people.
When I look back to activities I had apart from education. I can feel a different thrill.
Class 6: Went to chess coaching center and competitions for a year
Class 8: Enrolled to NCC
Class 11, 12: Played video games for 2 years until my father snatched the phone to the locker.
College: Played professional badminton to aspire to one; volunteered a few trek camps; hit some cycling expeditions.
I have hung out at random places since my childhood. You can see. And I’m doing none of the above activities now. Didn’t happen to continue.
But when I give a minute to think of each of those times, one by one, I can see faces of folks I was around. That gives a different thrill in itself.
Last week I met many folks whom I’ve connected with on linkedin for almost 2 years now. I exactly feel the same about.
When you know you’ve your people around, it gives an instant hope. And a full-time motivation machine.
When I look up to them, I feel more of a laughing machine, as jokes are what stays in my memories more.
Anime has been my life-changer. And so are the people I’m around.
What is anime to you?