Monkey-Meetings Frightened Me In Trekking
Instead of how much I miss trekking, I’d say how much I’m missing monkey-meetings.
Recently, I was looking through the photo gallery of my past trekking camps, where I’ve found some beautiful poems that I’ve written. I’ve added some of those poems in the end, do not miss if you love reading them.
But wait, the poem reminded me of a very terrible story.It’s about monkeys.
Monkeys have frightened me twice last year. Okay — let me get you headed towards that.
Monkey-Meetings faded me At training camp
The training camp lasted for 4 days. And only on the last day, our instructors have permitted, all of us, to use the mobile phone.
Unlike others, most of the time, you can see me not clicking photos of nature and whatever is around, rather you’ll notice me observing the sky, looking at the mountains, all doing alone.
And here I was doing the same. I was watching the mountains, sky, clouds, roads passing by between two mountains. After a moment I saw a monkey sitting very far from where I was at.
I love writing (especially poems; especially micro poems) I opened my mobile phone, tapped on the note-pad, and started typing a poem with a title — I wonder.
Then I continued it connecting an amazing view (see the image)
I wonder
I wonder how monkey will have a view
I wonder how the sky will have a view
I wonder how mountains could see me through
I surrender my thoughts to this issue
I wonder how a view will have a view
(Poem went incomplete as I’ve lost my phone)
Wait, what?
While I was creating a poem, I felt something was coming, looking to my left I went shocked with a no-words-face.
A dog was chasing the monkey that I saw earlier and all of sudden they reached near me.
Guess what? That monkey used my shoulder as if it was a boulder on a mountain, jumped aside, and went away.
Also, I watched my phone falling right in front of my eyes. “It’s gone, it’s lost.” I murmured myself nervously.
But, I was fortunate enough, that the phone stayed straight on the edge between two big boulders.
And I continued the poem. (Here’s the entire poem)
I wonder
I wonder how monkey will have a view
I wonder how sky will have a view
I wonder how mountains could see me through
I surrender my thoughts to this issue
I wonder how a view will have a view
It’d be fun to know
That this poem was saved to share
As that monkey kicked my phone, lol it cared
How blunder it looks
But it’s poem’s truth.
I wonder if you feel too.
Monkey-Meetings went horrible again at Saputara when I forgot the medical kit
Being a volunteer we, as a team, have divided our responsibilities.
On my hand, I was supposed to take care of medical-kit. Wherever we were going, it was my duty to keep that kit with me. Already there were more than 100 participants, so the responsibility may be crucial enough if you miss to manage it.
Sadly, I became an irresponsible volunteer after this incident.
Everyone was at Sun-rise point of Saputara, one of the glorious scenes that you must not miss if you ever plan to travel Saputara.
After it was over, all of us headed towards the parking place, but two members of our team were missing — one was a camp-manager, the other was a senior-instructor.
In a moment, they both came and we’ve found that a whiskered gray monkey bit the camp manager’s hand in a big red scratch.
“Nirmit, hurry up, where’s the medical-kit?” senior-instructor asked in a rush.
“Medical-kit? I…forgot…it, I-” replied feeling very guilty.
“What are you?… Are you mad? You know we’ve divided that into your hand, right?”
“Ye…ya…but sir I am…” I wasn’t knowing what to say.
He used his handkerchief, wrapped it over his bitten hand, and they both went towards the hospital for urgent-temporary treatment.
I don’t know for whose sake I missed that kit. I really felt desperate for myself, you cannot even imagine.
As scrolling through my photo gallery, I was like ‘How can I even forget this?’ Now, this is not about monkeys, but about my death.
(Yes, I know it’s not the topic, but I just wanted to share this out)
I was on the edge of the death
Last year, I joined a training camp having 4 days.
In that, there were various types of exercises along with strict rules and everything. This looked exactly like mini-army training.
The only difference was the adventure activities. And on the 3rd day, I was on the edge of my death. Wait, yes!
There was a commando rappelling. Do you know anything about it?
Okay, there’s a picture and have a look. We were instructed to do the same. Scary eh?
Our senior instructor was pitching the entire process of how to when to, and what to do.
Basically, one who’s about to go, they must align their legs with the rock at a 90-degree angle.
With a straight-run maintaining 90 degrees until it reaches the ground.
It was my 2nd turn to practice that. And I’ve understood where I had mistaken, where I was doing wrong. I was all set, all ready to go and have a run.
I was almost 10 inches to the start of that rock curve.
I verified if the belayer was ready.
(A belayer is a person who controls the safety rope holding it tight at the end of this.)
The moment I step my leg further, my instructor yelled to check if everything was ok or not.
Damn! Arghh! Seriously?
I forgot to attach the descender within the rope.
By attaching a descender with a rope you are fixed so that if you lose balance, then due to belayer and rope, you cannot fall down.
So, imagine if I would have stepped further without descender, then probably it’s similar to falling from the 1st-floor building.
And not only that, the first part of the body could be my head to hit the ground.
Also, I remember that statement
We are joining this in our own responsibility.
before signing up the letter of joining this camp. No-one’s responsible if anything happens.
Besides, due to the rules of training camp, I was punished hard with the cause of the mistake.
You cannot even imagine how joyfully I accepted those punishments.
WOAH! I’m alive… I yelled, inside my head.
As I’ve promised you at very first that I’ll be sharing some poems with you about travelling. There you go:
Capture Your Nature, Because You Are Your Creature
Don’t know more
About this one thing for sure
If it is a fact or not.
It is to be note
That everyone owes themselves
In case of hiking, travelling trekking over hill
Call it a big rock or a stone.
Don’t know about most of the people
May they get their time for themselves
That one thing is no more in philosophy or theory
But an actual reality
Each person fall in ownself
If it comes to nature.
I really wonder what if
Most of us can realise
Nature is you
And you are nature to capture.
As precaution is better than cure
This cure is with yourself that is nature.
Everything Matters
Everyone and everything is decent
In their own region.
Don’t know about weakness and strengths
As all of us does.
The difference may lies in language,
May lies in resources and usage
But if it is in your mood
Then you are just not cool
Also not good
Yet a piece of fool.
Go around, feel the trees
Anywhere, everywhere they looks green
Abundance of openness and free.
Up in the mountain or down to the hill
Either it’s in park or in your back yard.
Go around watch kids,
No racism and no more greeds.
Go around
And don’t just go around and meet
But also feel
Everything is important upto it’s need.
You’ve just read one of the part of an amazing Trekking-Series.
If you find some time then don’t miss to read other parts of this series as well (or save it for later). For now, I’m linking those stories right below:
Okay thanks, see ya soon in the next topic :)